2021 Strategic Technology Trends

The Enterprise Sponge
2 min readJan 4, 2021


We have seen a lot of our technology trend revolve around what is going around these days with the pandemic. We have to understand with these technologies companies are coming ways to ensure the workforce is safer or everyone has the correct information from anywhere. Based on Gartner, these are the following trends that will pick up in 2021 and how it can be used.

  1. Internet of Behaviors (IoB) — refers to a concept that attempts to understand data gathered from users’ online activity from a behavioral psychology perspective. State Farm is using this with their discount program, by monitoring driving behaviors, from sudden breaking, aggressive turns, and speeding. As a result, this data can be used to improve driver performance, routing and safety.
  2. Total experience — refers to giving customers multiple experiences by giving more than asked for. We have seen this in the shopping experience. Where you can buy everything from an app and go to a parking spot and everything can be loaded to your car.
  3. Privacy-enhancing computation — Privacy-enhancing computation has three technologies that allow for protection of data. First step is a trusted environment where that sensitivity is processed or analyzed. The second performs the analytics in a decentralized manner. Lastly, it encrypts the data and uses algorithms before processes or analytics. This is going to be used where companies span various regions and geographic boundaries and need to share lots of information.
  4. Distributed cloud — is where cloud services are distributed to different physical locations. This will take time to shape up in companies. When organizations enable this function they will be able to manage all different components like edge apps, apps stretched across multiple clouds, legacy datacenter apps, and the infrastructure that supports them all. Once implemented correctly, you will be able to deploy apps with a common set of policies and across the infrastructure.
  5. Anywhere operations — allows for your data and business and functions to be accessed, delivered and enabled anywhere. The biggest challenge is data security. People are now able to open bank accounts without stepping into the bank now.
  6. Hyperautomation — Companies want everything and to be automated. Now the thought behind this is finding the best ways to streamline business processes and automate those without comprising every day process. People will see a change with requests of automation picking up this year.

These are just a few trends that you will see picking up this year. They are any more that you will see that are exciting. Every year technology evolves and grows. Emerging technology is something that will change how we work and how we interact with one another. New year, new beginnings, new challenges, new start!




The Enterprise Sponge

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