Scan and Go Shopping

The Enterprise Sponge
2 min readOct 18, 2020


The experience of shopping is going through a new journey. You may have experienced some of it already without knowing it. Since COVID-19 has occurred, I have barely stepped into a store. Most of my shopping happens online or curbside pickup these days.

However with advanced technology you will be able to go shopping and go on your way without minimal human interaction. This journey begins with your device or a barcode scanner provided by the store. You login or provide your shopper ID unique to you. You will scan each item you want to purchase. Now if you don’t want the item or mistake, you can remove it. If you have issues, you can request help.

When it is an item of weight, you will put the item on the scale and the integration will be able to figure out the cost based on your input or what you scanned. This will be updated on your cart. As you go around the store, your journey continues and you may get a coupon for an item you previously purchased or to entice you to try something new based on your experience. This will look at your profile and will make educated decisions about what you may like.

Now that you are done shopping, you can either choose to bag yourself or have the person at the store help you. Now here is where it gets interesting, you can pay right with the device and be on your way or pay the cashier.

Now stores are aware that this is a trust based experience. Some shopping carts have mechanics in them that you can lock the wheels, if the person doesn’t pay, reach a certain point, and even set off an alarm.

This shopping experience is being tested in various areas. I think it makes it much easier to get shopping done. The shopping experience is going to change but just like everything we will have to adapt gradually.

Be open, learn to try new things and be willing to embrace change.



The Enterprise Sponge

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